Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's my babies birthday! /Burlington NC Photographer

Today Matthew turns 6! What a bright light he been in our lives!  In honor of his birthday I am running a special! Six lucky people will get a session for $20! This will be a  30 minute session up to 6 people!. You will have 15 online proofs and recieve a 10% discount on prints! Call today 336-583-6579 to schedule your session!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Duke Gardens Bridal Shoot

Oh yesterday was fantastic...our Bride was beautiful and the weather was perfect! Duke Gardens is my favorite place to take bridal portraits...Now onto our next project I am in search of dancers that love ballet! Please let me know if you are interested..Also getting a list together for fall/halloween mini sessions! Leaving you with a picture I took the other night of the moon since I can't share the brides pictures. Have a blessed weekend <3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are very excited about our Bride photo shoot at Duke Gardens tomorrow! It will be hot but beautiful! Here's a little fun picture of Payton, Cameron, and Cristina  on Tea Party Day ! Enjoy their beautiful face!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to Creating Memories Photography Blog

Hey Everyone, we have finally stepped into the world of blogging....what a process! Looking forward to all of my upcoming weddings, maternity shoots, and new babies we have scheduled! So much to look forward to...God has truly blessed me!